Using DK yarn, size 4mm straight needles and a tapestry needle to sew seam and ends in. This is a quick & easy knit that incorporates a thumb gusset at the out side edge of your work for ease of row and stitch counting. Make two.
K – knit, P – purl, (-) – repeat the instructions contained in the brackets. KFB – knit into the front and the back of the stitch to increase a stitch.
- CUFF – Cast on 32 sts. We will now be using a 1×1 rib row which is (K1,P1), repeated to end of the row. Repeat this row for a total of 12-16 rows depending on how deep you’d like your cuff to be. Mine was 12 rows.
- MAIN BODY – Switch to moss stitch. Row 1 – (P1, K1) repeat to end of row. Row 2 – (K1,P1) repeat to end of row. Repeat rows one and two a total of 6 times.
- THUMB GUSSET – Remember to keep the continuity of the moss stitch pattern throughout. Row 1 – P1, K1, KFB, KFB, (P1, K1), Repeat to the end of the row. Row 2 – (K1,P1,) Repeat until you have worked 30 stitches, P to last 2 stitches, K1,P1. Row 3 – P1, K1, KFB, K2, KFB, (P1, K1), Repeat to the end of the row. Row 4 – As Row 2. Row 5 – P1, K1, KFB, K4, KFB, (P1, K1), Repeat to the end of the row. Row 6 – As Row 2. Row 7 – P1, K1, KFB, K6, KFB (P1. K1), Repeat to the end of the row. Row 8 – As Row 2. Row 9 – P1, K1, KFB, K8, KFB (P1, K1) Repeat to the end of the row. Row 10 – As Row 2. Row 11 – (P1, K1), Repeat to the end of the row. Row 12 – (K1, P1) Repeat until you have worked 30 sts, (P1, K1), Repeat until last 2 stitches. K1, P1. Row 13 – As Row 11. Row 14 – (K1, P1), Repeat until you have worked 30 stitches. Cast off 12 stitches, the last 2 stitches should be K1, which is involved in the last cast off stitch then P1. Row 15 – As Row 11. Row 16 – (K1, P1), Repeat to the end of the row. Repeat rows 15 and 16 a further 3 times.
- Work a rib cuff of your desired amount of rows. Mine is 19 rows. Cast off loosely.
- Fold your finished knitting length-ways. Using mattress stitch, join your work to close the glove into a cylinder shape and sew the ends in.

Hi, love this pattern, I’ve made my first glove with it. Thank you for uploading it for free here. When I followed your pattern I made a left-handed glove… can I use the same pattern for a right handed glove?
Also, had some trouble with row 14. When you finish casting off the 12 stitches, how did you get your working yarn to the start of the next row? I ended up purling my last cast off stitch to the first stitch of row 15.
Hiya, I’m so pleased that you like it! Both left and right hands are made the same way. The shape of the thumb easily can be worn either way.
The row question, off the top of my head the last stitch stays on the needle, you turn it and start the next row. I’ll have to check properly and add it to my reply at a later time.